ISPC Official Pages
The 26th Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC 2022) is the continuation of a long series of conferences organised since 1997. The last twelve meetings have been organized in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Torino (Italy), Bristol (United Kingdom), Paris (France), Boca Raton (USA), Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), London (United Kingdom), Montevideo (Uruguay), Leuven (Belgium), Bogota (Colombia) and Oxford (United Kingdom).
The ISPC was officially formed in 1997, but there were two early meetings (1994) devoted to the subject of philosophy of chemistry, one organized in Ikley (UK) and the other one in London (UK).
It is possible to access the programs and books of abstracts of the annual meetings:
(2011) Bogotá, Colombia. Guillermo Restrepo & J. L. Villaveces
(2012) Leuven, Belgium. Pieter Thyssen & Brigittte van Tiggelen
(2016) Boca Ratón, USA. Marina Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headly
(2020) COVID Outbreak
(2021) Buenos Aires (remote meeting), Argentina. Olimpia Lombardi (Recorded talks)
Source: ISPC Official Page (2022). https://sites.google.com/site/socphilchem/history?authuser=1
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