The event

In 2022 the 26th Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPC 2022) is organized by the International Society for the Philosophy of ChemistryThe event aims at providing a forum for discussion in foundational, epistemological, methodological, and ontological problems of chemistry and its subfields, by bringing together leading researchers and young scholars from all over the world.

The conference is open to practitioners, researchers and students. For this reason, based on personal experience and the state of progress of your work you can choose to propose a 20-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation.

Topic areas

  • Epistemology
  • Metaphysics
  • Science, Logic, and Mathematics
  • Social and Political Philosophy
  • Value Theory, Miscellaneous


Interdisciplinary Areas
Applied Science, Art/Museum, Bio-Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry–Physics, Foundations of Science, History and Historical Epistemology of Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences, Intellectual History of Science, History of Chemistry, History of Mathematics, History of Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Nature of Science, Science in Society, Teaching–Learning.


Advancement in practices/concepts, Communication/ Representation (visual & n–dimensional), Changes & Critical Attitude, Complexity, Conceptual Analysis, Discovery, Environmental impact, Experimentation,  Institutions, Instruments, Logics, Periodic Table, Politics/Culture/Economics, Prediction, Reasoning & Theories, Relationship Chemistry–Physics, Relationship Physics–Mathematics, Systems approach, Techniques & Technologies.


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